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Photo of children presenting to Richmond's Mayor and Council by Christina Thiele


These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain. 


A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators. 


For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.

1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",

5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and

10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".


This is designed to be printed and done communally. 





there is an overall child and youth strategy


child and youth friendly policies are clearly defined in official community plans


bylaws and zoning regulations address the needs of children and youth

child, youth and/or family advisory committees are brought in front of Council


a children’s charter is created by children and youth


a children’s charter is endorsed by local governments and local organizations


National Child Day and Youth Week are endorsed


local government champions the uptake of child and youth friendly initiatives into policy and policy frameworks at all levels of government


elected officials regularly experience the lives of children and youth (e.g., by spending time at schools or recreation settings or with street youth)


elected officials regularly talk with groups of children and youth


there are regular reports on progress towards upholding children’s rights that include statistics, programs, and impacts


there are regular reports on progress towards upholding children’s rights that are used in Canada’s periodic review on the Convention on the Rights of the Child


local government bodies have mechanisms, staff and procedures for receiving advice from children and youth on children or youth related issues


local government bodies have mechanisms staff and procedures for receiving advice from children and youth on general community issues


there are processes for children, youth, and adult allies are in place to take issues to local government for a fair hearing and to be heard on a variety of issues, especially those affecting children and youth


there are innovative outreach strategies to ensure that marginalized children have opportunities for active participation


non-formal methods of child and youth input such as participatory action research and community asset mapping are used


experiential learning methods are used to engage children and youth at a level suitable to their evolving capacity


programming is welcoming to children and youth of all backgrounds, and takes place in spaces that children and youth feel comfortable (such as areas where children and youth are often present)


roles are clear for children, youth, and adult allies that foster trust


there is a shared decision-making power where possible and appropriate

the council hosts awards that recognizes the accomplishments of children and youth


the council hosts awards that recognize those serving children and youth

child and youth volunteer opportunities and peer education programs are offered


peer education programs are offered


positive images of local young people are promoted that involve meaningful engagement in their community


there is an identification and promotion of the expertise and knowledge of children and youth at the regional, national and international governmental level


educational material and programs for children and youth on civics are provided


educational material and programs for children and youth on child and human rights are provided


adults are trained to work with children and youth to support their involvement in policy deliberations and development, as well as program delivery

there is a high capacity for children and youth to progress  towards larger leadership roles


regular invitations for school classes and youth groups are offered that allow them to observe local government in action


there are programs and funding support for children and youth in their right to safety, health, participation, and to be themselves free from all forms of discrimination



1- UNFRIENDLY             5- OK                     10-A LEADER




A project of the


#102 - 1678 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1X6



We gratefully acknowlege the 

United Way of the Lower Mainland and BC Community Gaming for their support of SCY's Child and Youth Friendly Communities Project.





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