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Photo by deadstar2.1/cc/flickr


These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain. 


A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators. 


For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.

1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",

5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and

10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".


This is designed to be printed and done communally. 




adequate access to local primary health care providers including pediatricians, general physicians and or nursing practitioners


specialists such as pediatricians, orthodontists, gynecologists who work with youth, and child and youth mental health specialists are easily accessible and available to attend to you 


access to affordable transportation is available for those requiring travel to see specialists


outreach services are available for children and youth who cannot travel or have access to adequate transportation


access to affordable accommodations is offered to family members with children requiring stays in hospitals


teams are interdisciplinary with professionals including social workers, specialists, mental health workers, substance abuse counselors


youth health services in the community are available and open evenings and weekends


health services are available in discrete locations to protect the privacy of children and youth


options are available to access services anonymously (e.g., for sexual health issues, needle exchanges, mental health issues)


confidentiality issues are addressed in initial appointments


peer support services are available for youth, children and parents

health authorities and schools work together to promote prevention and early intervention


health authorities invite children and youth to participate in open discussion and public education forums about health issues that affect children and youth 


early screening is available, accessible, and encouraged for health, developmental, emotional and mental health concerns (Vision screening)


social networking sites have posts that increase awareness in youth about different health related sites


websites on health topics are oriented towards teens and youth by incorporating age appropriate teaching tools such as with games, online questionnaires, music, artists, and personal stories


programs are available that promote healthy eating

programs are available that promote healthy activity

programs are available that teach healthy cooking


programs are available that teach stress management


programs are available that educate children and youth about the harms of smoking


programs are available that support nursing mothers


programs are available that support healthy pregnancy choices and post-partum support


programs that encourage and teach children and youth to advocate on behalf of their own health and well-being


programs are available that offer sex education to children and youth


programs are available that educate children and youth about alcohol and drugs


programs are available that educate children and youth about mental health


dental care is free and easily accessible


essential orthodontic services are free and easily accessible


essential physiotherapy services are free and easily accessible


optometry services are free and easily accessible


counselling services are free and easily accessible


healthcare practices are culturally sensitive


only healthy choices are available in vending machines


clean water fountains or water bottle stations are available in frequented public areas


a separate or designated area within waiting rooms is allocated for young children to protect them from seeing something potentially traumatic or inappropriate


health service offices are equipped with things to make children, youth, and parents feel at ease such as play areas, children’s artwork, and age-appropriate reading materials


health service buildings are accessible by wheelchairs and strollers


health service offices have private breastfeeding areas


changing tables are accessible to mothers and fathers


washrooms are gender neutral


lower counters or step stools are available in washrooms for children to reach the sink


water fountains are physically accessible for children


staff (medical and administrative) are trained in speaking and interacting with children/youth


sufficient time is allowed for consultation with youth and children; appointment times are flexible to accommodate youth, recognizing that lack of reliability in youth may mean a different approach is required


staff evaluations include evaluation of attitudes toward children and youth

input from youth and parents is valued in planning and evaluating health services


health services offer work experience to students


materials with health related information are available in various languages


policies protect children and youth from being translators for their parents

educational services for children/youth in long term care can accessed while staying in the hospital


technology such as videoconferencing is utilized to aid individuals in rural areas and connecting them with health professionals to reduce time spent travelling and increase access to specialized health professionals


health service staff have access to a directory of child and youth serving programs and services


hospitals have services that demonstrate hospital or medical procedures for young children (e.g., teddy bear clinics)


1- UNFRIENDLY             5- OK                     10-A LEADER




A project of the


#102 - 1678 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1X6



We gratefully acknowlege the 

United Way of the Lower Mainland and BC Community Gaming for their support of SCY's Child and Youth Friendly Communities Project.





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