These indicators have been compiled with a grading system to help you and your community think through aspects of child and youth friendliness in each domain.
A grading system allows you to recognize that (for most of these indicators) there are many steps between 'not at all child and youth friendly' and 'extremely child and youth friendly'. Your community may fall somewhere in the middle on many of the indicators.
For each indicator, try to grade your community out of 10.
1 being "Not at all child and youth friendly",
5 being "some positive aspects but some changes could be made" and
10 being "We are a leader in child and youth friendly practices".
This is designed to be printed and done communally.
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that are inclusive of children and youth of all ages
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that are for children of all abilities
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that encourage equal participation of all genders
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that are culturally inclusive
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that support intergenerational interactions
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that encourage children and youth to share their stories
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that encourage children and youth to share and work together with their family, friends and community
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that engage in arts with a social issues scope
a wide range of arts and crafts programs are offered that involve nature or the environment ensure access to the arts for all children and youth, especially for those who come from low-income families, through grants and bursaries and scholarships
staff members have been trained in working with children and youth staff members have been trained in making arts and crafts activities more accessible for children and youth with special needs
staff members protect the privacy of children and youth by ensuring to obtain their consent before publicly displaying artwork
opportunities exist for older children and youth to play in leadership roles and to act as mentors for younger children
opportunities exist for children and youth to meet and interact with professional artists programs for children and youth align with their interests
designated graffiti spaces are available for public use
children and youth artwork is displayed and recognized in prominent areas
multicultural festivals are offered that are readily available and accessible to children and youth
children and youth are involved in participating in community festivals and events
cultural groups provide opportunities for children and youth to discover the arts of their own and other cultures
arts programs are available in all preschools including music, drama, storytelling, visual arts and dance
all public libraries community facilities such as art galleries and museums offer programs for children and youth
links exist between schools and the community arts programming
children and youth are involved in the creation and planning of public art
children and youth are involved in various arts and cultural councils, committees, and organizations
input of children, youth and parents are valued as important indicators for program evaluation
public libraries involve young people in book selection
public libraries involve young people in contributing book reviews
designated public library spaces are designed for reading aloud
public library spaces are designed for computer use
community facilities such as art galleries and museums have information that is physically accessible to children and youth
community facilities such as art galleries and museums have information that is cognitively accessible to children and youth
social media which promotes current and upcoming arts and cultural events, festivals and projects are shared in child friendly language and on websites designated for children and youth